Confidently Grow
Your Business.

Our CPAs are as invested in your success as you are.

There’s more to business success than tax compliance and financial reports.

We can help you align your people, process, and technology to be a more effective and profitable team.

We’re here to help you year-round – not just at deadlines.

CPA in Texas | CPA IN Houston | CPA in Dallas | CPA in Austin Texas |

At PriceKubecka, we know that you want to be able to focus confidently on the future of your business.

To do that, you need a team of CPA experts that focus on more than annual tax returns and financial statements.

The problem is…

most CPAs in Texas are not proactive and focus primarily on compliance rather than business growth, leaving you to feel like it’s all on your shoulders to figure out.

CPA in Texas | CPA IN Houston | CPA in Dallas | CPA in Austin Texas

We believe there’s a better way.

We understand the challenges you face. For nearly 30 years, our CPAs located in Dallas, Houston, Austin, Texas and across the country have helped thousands of companies like yours manage growth and improve profitability.

Here’s How We Do It…

Clarify Your Needs


Clarify Your Needs

We meet to understand your business and goals.

Collaborate on Priorities


Collaborate on Priorities

We’ll outline projects to undertake together to address your accounting system and compliance filings.

Implement Your Plan


Implement Your Plan

We’ll implement a plan to positively impact your accounting process.

Continuously Improve


Continuously Improve

We apply continuous effort throughout the year.

Schedule a “get to know you” meeting and get ready to leave the headaches behind and begin confidently focusing on your future

– with a CPA partner who has your back.